Will your dreams become the stuff that garbage tips are built on in 2014?

By me, the founder of Soul Sessions Eloise King

On Sunday, we gathered at Soul Sessions HQ for The Wish in preparation for the new year. Before launching into groups to play The Wish game, we got crystal clear on what we want to draw in for 2014.

With the expert guidance of The Wish game creator Lousie Laffey, it was inspiring to be in the energy of so many people saying ‘yes’ to their deepest desire.

Below, you’ll find a list of Sessioners precious, precious dreams.

After typing all of the individual wishes out, something very interesting transpired…

Before I had a chance to save the list to my blog back end, my computer had a temperamental brain snap and the list was suddenly gone. Poof! Gone.

So I trotted out to look for the paper on which Sessioners had written their wishes so I could write them up again to share with all, and after a good amount of hunting, this is where I found them…

Gasp! There they were… all scrunched up and sitting at the top of our garbage bin.

The message was loud and clear

Our dreams become the stuff that garbage tips are built on if we do not take the time to connect with them, to love them and respect their beauty and brilliance as though it were an unborn child, just waiting to be birthed.

Because, in fact, that’s exactly what a true and authentic dream is. As precious as an unborn child and needing your love, your close attention and your nurturing.

Whatever it is that you truly desire… whatever the dream is that you can feel in the tips of your soul and the delth of your bones… whatever it is that excites you AND you are willing to take the right action for, chances are it is already yours. Only time stands between you and its manifestation.

So, I am curious. What do you really wish for as we enter the new year?

Mine is on the list below. Make sure you scroll down to check it out and, if you feel inspired to do so, take the opportunity to add your deepest desire for 2014 in the comments section.

Connecting with it clearly and writing it down has power.

Soul Sessioners Wishes for 2014…

  1. Abundance and confidence in the the present and future & Self love
  2. To win the Paracycling Road World Championships Road Race
  3. To know my life’s purpose and how to achieve it
  4. Every person connecting with Soul Sessions is feeling deeply the love, wisdom and suuport available for them as part of our community
  5. For my home to be stylish, beautiful and homely
  6. To support C%$^# to be able to move out of home positively
  7. I wish for the safe arrival of our first baby and that it has a healthy, happy first year of life
  8. Family
  9. To let go of the reactions of my mind
  10. To write, record and release a song that is a hit and becomes a classic
  11. My wish for 2014 is to step into my new career with confidence and to embrace and overcome my challenges
  12. My wish is to be able to take a year off and travel around the world
  13. My wish is to get Fiona pregnant and buy a house
  14. I wish to pay off my mortgage in full in 2014
  15. My intention for 2014 is to have my Self respect enhanced and achieved through real estate connections and finalisation of my book-distribution worldwide to assist women to accept and heal
  16. A lover to share and grow my amazing life with
  17. What I wish for in 2014 = stability and financial security, travel and a while lot of LBDs being sold
  18. To find love that is long lasting, pure and awesome
  19. To love myself fully, to know my true worth and to allow others to see that too
  20. My wish: to live consciously and connected to my higher self and life’s purpose
  21. To fully love and accept myself and allow this to flow through me
  22. To have a healthy, fit body and active lifestyle
  23. Peace, harmony and honesty within my family
  24. My wish for 2014 is abundance : health and work
  25. To move towards my dream job
  26. To be a better yoga teacher
  27. To be settled in my home with my girls and animals
  28. My wish is to live in Australia forever. To attract the way that lets me stay here so I can call it ‘my home’
  29. To fall in love and be in a committed relationship Business success
  30. Family
  31. To meet the manof my dreams
  32. To find my ideal partner – beautiful, a bit weird and someone who likes me for me
  33. To lock in 8 new contracts for work gigs

Now it’s your turn! Follow the steps below:

1) Get quiet for a minute to connect with your deepest desire. Not 10 of them, but one of them, the deepest one. Note: you can not make a wish or have an intention for someone else, so make sure that your wish is for you and you alone.

2) Play with the wording so that it is phrased in the positive and present tense

In Wishes Fulfilled, Wayne Dyer advises that you separate yourself from the illusion of time and space and speak to yourself in a way that assumes your goal has already been manifested. Use present tense language.

For example: I am pure health; I live in such a beautiful home; I am the Olympic gold medal winner; every person connecting with Soul Sessions is feeling deeply the love, wisdom and suuport available for them as part of our community; I am a shining example of health, I am abundant in every way

3) Write it down in the comments section below

Creating your dream life starts with one small step of acknowledging what that looks like and stating what you want for yourself and the world around you.

I look forward to seeing the expression of your precious dreams for 2014 in the comment section below.

And please know that Soul Sessions is here to support you on that journey… all you need to do is say, yes please!

LeeWill your dreams become the stuff that garbage tips are built on in 2014?

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